
52 Weeks of Color Challenge II: Cosmic

El color de esta semana es un púrpura: Cosmic.
Y nada mejor que el color del mes de los muertos para hacer otra entrada de Halloween.

Ssssssssssssssssssh: No molestes a los muertos. Puede tener consecuencias.
Don't disturb the dead. This could have consequences...

Esta noche, el ángel de la muerte está de cacería.
Tonight, the angel of death is hunting.

No te dejes engañar por su belleza...
Don't be fooled by her beauty...

Porque  devorará tu corazón.
Because she will devour your heart

skin: PXL gatcha
hair: [e]
eyes: By Snow
eyelashes: Redgrave
horns and wings: Decembers
eyeliner: Belleza
nails: Reale
bracelet: Rozoregalia
choker: Nyanotech
earrings: +grasp+
corset:~Black Arts~
skirt:Happy Undead
boots:~Black Arts~
Location: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Malaika%20Ashera/14/25/22

6 comentarios:

  1. Halloween brings out the monsters in people... you don't look too scary though hehe you look so cute!!

  2. looooove that last picture .. and the close-up with the light silver eyes and the blodd on the lips... the heart was delicious i think ))
    lovely story

  3. OOhh Agrey the great story teller Love the pictures

  4. Such a fun photo series, so mischievous and cute!

  5. Awesome halloween post! Beautiful pictures :)

  6. Fantastic, love that story and you make a beautiful and sexy ummm... angel? You are SO Fallen if you are an angel *eg*
