
The Darkness Chamber Fair 3

Otra entrega más de las cosas que podéis encontrar en The Darkness Chamber Fair y también lo último de  POEMA y de IT!

harmless Peligro Tentacles and heels

eyes: Awear heart skull eyes for Catwa eyes (The Darkness Chamber Fair)
skin: Skin: Lara Hurley Beth
Mesh head: Catwa Catya
lips: IT! Fascination lips (Skin Fair 2017)
lashes: POEMA hustle
eyeshadows: IT! The heart collector (Skin Fair 2017)
bindi: POEMA The bindi collection
sweater: Awear (The Darkness Chamber Fair)
heels: W:6 Chrissy (The Darkness Chamber Fair)
hair: LCKY (The Arcade )
horns: Stelloane
leggings: Boutique #187# Haunted forest(The Darkness Chamber Fair)

poses: Serendipity searching for faith (The Darkness Chamber Fair)


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